Presented by New Hazlett Theater 2014/2015 CSA Performance Series
December 12, 2014

Rivers, streets, sidewalks, and bridges. Visual artist and director Jennifer Meridian takes performances that she originally created for public spaces and translates them into an original one-hour performance in six acts.

Starring Mimi Jong as The Musician; Jil Stifle and Jasmine Hearn as The Extinction; Joanna Reed as The Slow Activist; Gia Cacalano as The Woman Dancing; Christina Lee as The Artist; Tessa Barber as The Singer; Oreen Cohen as Witness #1; Anqwenique Wingfield as Witness #2; Scott Andrew as The Unreliable Narrator and Translator; Ji young Nam as The Last One Standing; Kylan Bjornson as The Child; Ricardo Iamuuri as The Weather.

View this video on Vimeo for timed stamped questions.

Jennifer Meridian

Jennifer Meridian is a visual artist living and working in Pittsburgh, PA. Her practice follows two trajectories: as a studio-based artist in sculpture, photography, printmaking, and drawing; and as director of public performances. Her work has been exhibited in galleries and museums across the country.  Learn more about her work at


Photography: Renee Rosensteel; Video: Jeremy Fleishman

Performance News

January 23, 2015
December 3, 2014

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