A BRAND NEW WORLD: kill the artist

Presented by New Hazlett Theater 2015/2016 CSA Performance Series
February 11, 2016


A BRAND NEW WORLD: kill the artist invites audiences to Cool World, where nothing is hotter than being cool and everything is packaged and sold for anyone to buy. One man challenges this reality, and now he must stand trial for his incendiary acts of arson. You are the witnesses, the judges, and the jury. The fate of this Wildfire Man rests in your hands.

View this video on Vimeo for timed stamped questions.

Ricardo Iamuuri

Ricardo Iamuuri is an audio-visual artist who explores the relationship between sound, object, and space. His work has been featured in Emmy Award-winning documentaries Country: Vietnam and Jim Crow Pennsylvania. In 2013, he was named the RAW Artist of the Year and was a 2014 Flight School Fellow.


Photography: Renee Rosensteel; Video: Jeremy Fleishman

Performance News

Q&A With Ricardo Iamuuri
February 1, 2016

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