Rivers, streets, sidewalks, and bridges. Visual artist and director Jennifer Meridian takes performances that she originally created for public spaces and translates them into an original one-hour performance in six acts.
Starring Mimi Jong as The Musician; Jil Stifle and Jasmine Hearn as The Extinction; Joanna Reed as The Slow Activist; Gia Cacalano as The Woman Dancing; Christina Lee as The Artist; Tessa Barber as The Singer; Oreen Cohen as Witness #1; Anqwenique Wingfield as Witness #2; Scott Andrew as The Unreliable Narrator and Translator; Ji young Nam as The Last One Standing; Kylan Bjornson as The Child; Ricardo Iamuuri as The Weather.
View this video on Vimeo for timed stamped questions.
Jennifer Meridian
Jennifer Meridian is a visual artist living and working in Pittsburgh, PA. Her practice follows two trajectories: as a studio-based artist in sculpture, photography, printmaking, and drawing; and as director of public performances. Her work has been exhibited in galleries and museums across the country. Learn more about her work at
Photography: Renee Rosensteel; Video: Jeremy Fleishman