PREVIEW Apart From Me
Cloaked in a series of expanding and contracting fabrics — jarringly colorful and somehow nostalgic — are three performers: H. Gene Thompson, Ru Emmons, and Anna Azizzy. As they extend their limbs, crane their necks, shift their positions, the fabric follows, bringing to light a series of iterative sculptures.
Nearby, a slinky — that lovable precompressed helical spring developed in the 1940s — dangles and shakes. It is amplified by a contact microphone, which is fed into a computer, which is running a MAX patch designed by Arvid Tomayko. The sounds, like the wearable sculptures, are otherworldly.
These are a few of the ingredients in Apart From Me, an ambitious evening-length performance by longtime collaborators H. Gene Thompson and Arvid Tomayko.