New Hazlett Theater COVID-19 Rental Regulations
Updated November 11, 2022
Licensee and their contractors, sub-contractors, sub-sub contractors, and volunteers may be subject to health screenings and other regulations mandated by the Licensor, including health surveys, temperature checks, and proof of vaccinations and/or testing. Theater reserves the right to limit access to any person who fails a health screening.
Licensee is required to ensure that their staff, contractors, sub-contractors, and sub-subcontractors are either 1) fully vaccinated for COVID-19 or 2) provide negative test results within the past 72 hours while at the theater. Licensees are obligated to collect proof of vaccination or negative test results and affirm to the Licensor that they are in compliance with this policy prior to occupying the Premises. Licensor’s staff and all patrons will also be required to wear masks while indoors, with the sole exception of artists when performing on stage. Artists will be masked when off-stage. These policies are in place through at least January 31, 2023. Licensor will notify Licensee of any policy changes.
“Fully vaccinated” means that you have received the initial Moderna, Pfizer, or Johnson & Johnson vaccination on the recommended schedule. In addition, you have received immunization boosters as per the recommendations for your age group and health. CDC recommendations can be found here.
Proof of vaccination must come directly from the healthcare provider that performed the vaccination. Individuals who are not fully vaccinated should provide Licensee proof of one of the following instead of evidence of vaccination: 1) negative COVID-19 PCR test taken within 72 hours of occupying the Premises, or negative COVID-19 antigen test taken within 24 hours of occupying the Premises.
Licensee will comply with all current regulations set forth by local, state, and federal government and the CDC related to public events and workplace protocol, including but not limited to social distancing and personal protective equipment for actors, musicians, crew members, or any other employee, sub-contractor, sub-sub-contractor, or volunteer of the Contractor, and shall furthermore, comply with all regulations set forth by the Theater to
reduce the spread of COVID-19.
*New Hazlett Theater will post patron safety guidelines and entry requirements on their website, individual event pages, and in pre-show email communications.