What is B.U.S.?
B.U.S. is six plays, start to finish in 24 hours. We’re talking written, directed, memorized and performed all in less time than it takes AmazonPrime to ship the last season of Game of Thrones. And this Friday, April 5th, forty writers, directors, actors, and artists will do just that.
Bricolage’s annual fundraiser is inspired by a 90 minute Pittsburgh bus ride. Performing artists travel the route, draw inspiration from the ride, and create six different 10 minute plays.
This year’s artists include: Onyx Award winning playwright Vanessa German; PhD literary artist Tameka Cage-Conley; Pittsburgh Post-Gazette “best of” actress Elena Alexandratos; and dozens more. Award winning writer and actress Rosemarie Wilson also brings her skill to the stage, next to legendary conductor and composer Paul Guggenheimer.
You don’t want to miss this event which features food, music, and a silent auction in Bricolage’s signature style. Early ticket buyers always get the best seats, so reserve today.
B.U.S. Schedule
Friday, April 5 at Bricolage
7-9pm: VIP Reception + Actor Parade
Saturday, April 6 at The New Hazlett Theater
6:30-8pm: VIP Pre-Show Reception
8-10pm: Performance
10-midnight: Post-Show Party
Bus Fares:
$150: Double Decker B.U.S (all events Friday + Saturday)*
$75: Party B.U.S. (Saturday VIP reception + performance + post-show party)
$40: Mini B.U.S. (Saturday performance + post-show party)
*$25 of the Double Decker ticket is tax-deductible
For more information, visit http://www.bricolagepgh.org/events/bus-8-annual-fundraiser.