NEWS The NEA Awards Millions for Arts Projects

Pittsburgh, PA— National Endowment for the Arts Chairman Jane Chu has approved more than $82 million to fund local arts projects across the country in the NEA’s second major funding announcement for fiscal year 2017. Included in this announcement is an Art Works award of $10,000 to the New Hazlett Theater for the next season of their Community Supported Art Performance Series (CSA Performance Series). The NEA received 1,728 Art Works applications and will make 1,029 grants ranging from $10,000 to $100,000.
“The arts reflect the vision, energy, and talent of America’s artists and arts organizations,” said NEA Chairman Jane Chu. “The National Endowment for the Arts is proud to support organizations such as the New Hazlett Theater, in serving their communities by providing excellent and accessible arts experiences.”
The New Hazlett CSA local audiences to the freshest, most original artists in the Pittsburgh area. Based on the Community Supported Agriculture model, the CSA performance series supports local artists in the creation of new work, provides community access to locally created performances, and engages artists with the community in order to build relationships and develop new audiences. Shareholders provide the resources artists need to create professional caliber work. Beyond that, shareholders help support Pittsburgh’s next crop of groundbreaking artists.
“CSA performances can range from deeply personal, intimate stories to innovative new experiences that defy genres,” said René Conrad, executive director of the New Hazlett Theater. “You never quite know what you’re going to get when you come to a CSA performance, but you know it’s always going to be fresh.”
The New Hazlett Theater is among other prestigious Pittsburgh arts organizations to be awarded NEA funding this spring. The NEA award over $115,000 to arts projects in the greater Pittsburgh area. Other local recipients of NEA funding this year include the Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership, City of Asylum, and Bricolage.
Tickets to the fifth season of the CSA Performance Series are on sale now.
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