The Moth GrandSLAM Story Championship – THIS EVENT IS SOLD OUT

The Moth presents the GrandSLAM, a battle of wits and words – fierce, hilarious, heartbreaking and all points between. Listen as ten StorySLAM champs tell tales of being out of their element: the freak, the foreigner, dressed for the opera at the clambake, out of the loop, the only person in the loop, the voice of dissent and the lonely fool. The outsider, interlope and the odd man out. The black sheep, the chatty monk and the juror with a doubt. The theme is Fish Out of Water!
The Moth is dedicated to finding intriguing people to tell inspired stories. At The Moth StorySLAM, those people find us. On this night, using words as weapons, they word-it-out to determine Pittsburgh’s first-ever Moth GrandSLAM Story Champion.
Hosted by:
Alan Olifson
Stories By:
Michael Chester
Sarah Hartung
David Harris-Gershon
Stacy Keene
Joanne Keilar
Chris Lambie-Hanson
Derek Minto
Todd Shaffer
Brittany Story
Nora Matthews
Music by:
Lucia Tedesco
Producer: Jenifer Hixson
Associate Producer: Robin Wachsberger
Pittsburgh StorySLAM Producer: Kelly Flanagan Dee