The Guardians: A Holiday Production
The Guardians is an action-packed, music-laden holiday experience. It depicts the stories of three families who have supernatural beings looking after them. Join us for this thought-provoking and fast-moving production. Talent includes the Brown Chapel Heir Force Players; soloists Shelia Beasley, Tonya Carrington, and DaMarra Chanel; Blessed & Chosen Mime Ministry; and dancers Miracle Bynum, Gwendolyn Ratliff and Towanda Young. The Guardians is directed by award-winning actress/director Rita Gregory. You will also have an opportunity to do some last-minute holiday shopping at our vendor booths.
For ticket information and details, call 412-471-4332.
For more information on accessible seating or assistive listening devices please contact Courtney at 412-320-4610 ext. 16 or