Steel City Ruby Conference 2014

Join the Steel City Ruby Conference in it’s third year as and learn about the latest in the programming languages. This year, the conference is has put together an incredible lineup including:
Jean Lange Remembering SCRC14
Charles Nutter JRuby
Franklin Webber Utils is a Junk Drawer!
Greg Gates The Metaphysics of Strings
Keith Bennett Better Coding with Ruby Lambdas
Sean Marcia Saving the World with Ruby
Laurent Sansonetti Latest in RubyMotion
Austin Seraphin RubyMotion and Accessibility
Tim Uruski From Whence Rubygems
Derek Willis Using Ruby for Journalism
Bryan Helmcamp From Dev to Founder
John Feminella Better Visualizations With Science
Seth Vargo Dealing with the Demands of the Open Source Community
Jessica Kerr Generative Testing for Better Code
Your general admission ticket includes admission to the conference, an awesome t-shirt, a bag of swag, and admission to the after party at PNC Park.