Your AudienceView Account

We have a new ticketing platform! AudienceView Professional provides a personal account for you to buy tickets, manage payments, make donations, and more!

An easier way to buy tickets

Your AudienceView Professional account allows you to purchase and print your own tickets as well as access the full New Hazlett calendar of events – all from your personal device. Click the link above to get started!


If you have attended the New Hazlett Theater before:

Enter your email address in the login field and click forgot password. You will then receive an email with instructions for resetting your password.


If you have not attended the theater before:

Click register. You will then walk through the registration process. If the system recognizes your email address, you will receive a red message that says you already have an account. In this case, click forgot password additional set up steps will be sent to your email.


We’re happy to assist you with accessing your account at 412.320.4610


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