Great Expectations
This imaginative adaptation brings Charles Dickens’ classic rags-to-riches tale to vibrant new life. Pip, a young orphan in 19th century England, life is about to change. In a world ruled by money and social class, will he find his fortune? Follow the extraordinary adventures of Pip, as he seeks to fulfill his romantic destiny.
Parking Information
Parking is free for most Weekend and Evening performances in the AHN Garage across the street from the theater. For more information, click below.
Accessibility Accommodations
Additional accommodations for this performance:
- Sensory-friendly available for November 9, 2:30pm
- Audio Description available for November 10, 2:30pm
- ASL Interpretation available for November 10, 2:30pm
For more information on accessible seating or assistive listening devices please contact 412-320-4610 x10 or